Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Speech Self-Assessment:
1.Confidence: Pretty Good 3
2.Clear Voice: Pretty Good 3
3.Moderate Pace: Excellence 4
4.Correct Tones: Average 2
5.Correct Pronunciation: Excellence 4
6.Good Flow: Pretty Good 3
The video that is on my blog is now old and have done one since and is the one I'm marking.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

cross country 2010

  1. I enjoy cross country running: No
  2. I prefer short distance running: Sort of  
  3. I found it difficult running at the beginning of the unit: Sort of
  4. My fitness improved as the unit progressed: Sort of
  5. My stamina improved as the unit progressed: No
  6. I have done well in cross country in the past: No
  7. I found it easier to run longer distances as the unit progressed: Sort of 
  8. I learnt to pace myself while running long distances: Sort of 
  9. I was pleased with my performance in the cross country: No I was not present
  10. I found it easier to run with someone with me: Sort of
  11. I run in my spare time: No
  12. I plan to continue running in my spare time to improve my fitness: No
I think that even though that I'm not good at running I am still fit enough through the other sports and activities I do.